
Research on Digital Empowerment to Promote Rural Revitalization and Achieve Common Prosperity in Hangzhou Four Mountain Counties

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Research on Digital Empowerment to Promote Rural Revitalization and Achieve Common Prosperity in Hangzhou Four Mountain Counties

  • Shiming Tang *
  • Jinkang Hu
  • Wenjuan Mao

New Era Party United Front Research Base of Hangzhou Normal University, 31121, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

*Corresponding Author: Shiming Tang, New Era Party United Front Research Base of Hangzhou Normal University, 31121, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

Citation: Shiming Tang, Jinkang Hu, Wenjuan Mao (2023), Research on Digital Empowerment to Promote Rural Revitalization and Achieve Common Prosperity in Hangzhou Four Mountain Counties, International Journal of Clinical Surgery, 2(5); DOI:10.31579/2834-5118/038

Copyright: © 2023, Shiming Tang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 02 September 2023 | Accepted: 11 September 2023 | Published: 16 September 2023

Keywords: digital economy; rural development; common prosperity; hangzhou experience


With the digital economy gradually becoming a new engine of economic development, rural revitalization, with "common prosperity" as the primary strategy, needs to constantly explore new problems and actively integrate into the digital empowerment trend. There are four prominent issues in promoting rural revitalization through digital empowerment: (1) Grassroots cadres and rural residents have a low level of digital literacy. (2) The integration of digital technology with rural primary, secondary, and tertiary industries is not deep. (3) The development and utilization of data are insufficient. (4) The business model of agricultural digitization is not perfect. Over the past year, the practical exploration in the four mountainous counties of Hangzhou is consistent with the spirit of the special meeting of the Municipal Association for Science and Technology, focusing on promoting the accelerated flow of urban funds, technology, talent, and other elements to the four mountainous counties, and striving to improve the level of regional coordination of urban-rural development. The related challenges and solutions include: (1) promoting the digital industry, developing the knowledge creation industry, and forming a virtuous cycle; Establish a digital talent cultivation and service mechanism, strengthen education construction, and provide opportunities for local talents to pursue further education. (2) Transform the advantages of suburban counties into economic advantages. Create a talent ecosystem of "near and far" with high-quality services such as environment, entertainment, and healthcare. (3) Make good use of urban digital economic resources and promote rural revitalization in mountainous areas. (4) Follow up on the integration of digital industry collaboration, residents' public services integration, and ecological environment governance integration in social security, ensuring the peace of mind for young soldiers, middle-aged leaders, and senior experts. (5) Adhere to the needs of the country, the capabilities of the region, the expectations of the people, and the future direction, leverage the flow, content, technology, and product advantages of digital empowerment, break traditional economic boundaries, upgrade the digital industry brain of the four mountainous counties, and create a model for rural revitalization and common prosperity. Based on the successful practices and unique experiences of solving difficult problems in four mountainous counties, the following suggestions are proposed: (1) Relying on green waters and mountains, developing ecological economy, achieving value transformation, and opening up the "two mountains" transformation channel. (2) Increase the efforts of introduction, improve talent introduction policies, open up green channels, and implement preferential treatment for introduction and reuse. (3) Connect with the same network and speed, enhance smart genes, promote agricultural upgrading, and accelerate the progress of digital empowerment. (4) Expand charity and public welfare, strive for the return of local elites, play the role of the overseas Chinese community, and draw a blueprint for common prosperity. In the next few years, the digital empowerment of the four mountainous counties in Hangzhou will make four major progress. Firstly, it will establish a development benchmark and create new business cards such as innovative mountainous counties, high-quality mountainous counties, and civilized mountainous counties; The second is to enhance self-efficacy and form a demonstration effect; The third is to create a long-term mechanism to promote the coordinated integration of commercial industries, the integration of public services for the people, and the integration of ecological environment governance; The fourth is to accelerate the transformation of achievements, continuously increase the value of core industries, lead the development of the digital economy, and make the construction of common prosperity a benchmark.


Digitalization is a product of the fourth industrial technology revolution, essentially promoting a new connection between production and lifestyle, namely "data-driven+ platform, empowerment+ intelligent, terminals+ scenario, services+ agile, supply+ social life.". Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, has repeatedly emphasized that "digitization is a key variable of unprecedented changes in a century, and it is also the winner of the future." As the digital economy gradually becomes a new engine of economic development, rural revitalization with "common prosperity" as the primary strategy needs to constantly explore the problem and actively integrate into the digital empowerment trend.

The rural revitalization strategy proposed by the 19th National Congress has been implemented for nearly 5 years. In the past five years, the country has introduced a series of strategic plans and policy measures to accelerate rural revitalization, focusing on the 20 word policy of "industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance, and affluent living" and the five major measures of "industrial revitalization, ecological revitalization, cultural revitalization, talent revitalization, and organizational revitalization". Various regions have also formulated corresponding rural revitalization plans and action plans. At the same time, the country has also proposed a "three step" strategy for rural revitalization. The first step is to make significant progress by 2020, the second step is to make decisive progress by 2035, and the third step is to achieve the goal of comprehensive revitalization by 2050.

Chinese path to modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people. Since May last year, Zhejiang has accepted the glorious mission of high-quality development and construction of a demonstration zone for common prosperity. In Zhejiang, promoting high-quality development in 26 mountainous counties is considered one of the ten iconic achievements in building a demonstration zone for common prosperity through high-quality development. In 2022, Hangzhou has set the goal of becoming a model city for common prosperity, striving to accelerate the promotion of common prosperity in seven aspects: high-quality economic development, reform of income distribution system, high-quality sharing of public services, coordinated development of urban and rural areas, development of advanced socialist culture, construction of ecological civilization, and strengthening social governance.

In September last year, the Hangzhou Association for Science and Technology held a special meeting on promoting the leapfrog high-quality development of four counties in Chun'an, Jiande, Tonglu, and Lin'an mountainous areas, emphasizing the need to deepen reform, stay close to the center, promote advantages, and creatively do a good job; We need to work together from top to bottom, collaborate with districts and counties, implement specific measures such as talent advancement to the west, academic empowerment, science popularization to the countryside, decision-making consultation, and team building, and promote project-based development to help the four counties in mountainous areas achieve leapfrog development.

2、 Problem exists

Through digital empowerment to promote rural revitalization and achieve common prosperity, there are varying degrees of development imbalances and income distribution disparities caused by the "digital divide" between urban and rural areas in the four mountainous counties of Hangzhou; The shortage of digital talent resources faces problems such as a small number of talents, difficulty in training, inability to attract and retain them for a long time; The lack of legislation on digital empowerment leads to issues such as data monopoly, data leakage, inadequate planning, and lack of connectivity; The lack of digital literacy among residents brings about problems such as low professional level, low subjective initiative, and narrow participation.

The above issues are basically consistent with the results of the national census, that is, there are four prominent issues in promoting rural revitalization through digital empowerment: (1) Grassroots cadres and rural residents have a low level of digital literacy. (2) The integration of digital technology with rural primary, secondary, and tertiary industries is not deep. (3) The development and utilization of data are insufficient. (4) The business model of agricultural digitization is not perfect.

3、 Problem solving

The project research adopts methods such as literature review, questionnaire survey, on-site investigation, in-depth interviews, and panel discussions to adhere to digital empowerment leading rural revitalization and implementing common prosperity; Adhere to problem orientation, broaden channels, and form a closed loop; Adhere to the cohesive force of problem-solving and iterative improvement; Adhere to summarizing the characteristic experience of standardized and efficient operation. The survey found that the practical exploration in the four mountainous counties of Hangzhou over the past year is consistent with the spirit of the special meeting of the Municipal Association for Science and Technology, focusing on promoting the accelerated flow of urban funds, technology, talent and other elements to the four mountainous counties, and striving to improve the level of regional coordination of urban-rural development. Related challenges and solutions include:

(1) Promote the digital industry, develop the knowledge creation industry, and form a virtuous cycle; Establish a digital talent cultivation and service mechanism, strengthen education construction, and provide opportunities for local talents to pursue further education.

The four counties in mountainous areas recognize that the digital economy is the main form of new economic operation, and strive to deepen their understanding of digitalization. They also strive to carry out educational construction in digital value, digital industrialization, industrial digitization, digital infrastructure, and digital governance, providing opportunities for talent development in digital rural areas. In promoting the construction of digital rural areas in a systematic and comprehensive manner, we aim to tap into the enormous potential of the digital economy, seize the digital track, form new empowering advantages, and showcase the wisdom and skills of rural revitalization. The work feature is to fully leverage the high innovation, strong penetration, and wide coverage of digital talents, create a new economic growth point for common prosperity, and create a new fulcrum for rural revitalization and upgrading traditional industries.

(2) Transform the advantages of suburban counties into economic advantages. Create a talent ecosystem of "near and far" with high-quality services such as environment, entertainment, and healthcare.

The four mountainous counties should first lead the development of rural areas with the digital economy, enabling a virtuous cycle of beautiful rural areas and industrial growth. Rural revitalization focuses on improving public facilities, infrastructure, ecological environment, and governance capabilities in remote areas, creating a digital advantage in suburban county construction. At the same time, we advocate for cultural advancement and accelerate the improvement of new infrastructure for rural development such as rural education, rural healthcare, and rural libraries. As a result, digital talents, enterprises in digital industrial parks, and digital innovation and entrepreneurship have taken root in the local area, settled down with peace of mind, and achieved the goal of building nests and attracting phoenix from afar; It also emphasizes overall driving, integrating industrial growth and rural development, expanding high-quality and affordable cultural and creative products, homestay economy, and characteristic agricultural and sideline products in all aspects and using innovative concepts, methods, and measures to attract the entry of reception economy and digital economy, demonstrating the grand road of common prosperity.

The highlight of the work is to enhance the regional, industrial, innovative, and open functions of rural revitalization through digital empowerment, making good use of the "six forces" of digital new infrastructure support, digital industrialization competitiveness, industrial digital integration, digital format innovation, digital governance penetration, and digital rural development vitality.

(3) Make good use of urban digital economic resources and promote rural revitalization in mountainous areas.

The four mountainous counties attach great importance to the leading role, strategic hub, multiplier effect, and radiation intensity of urban digital economic resources. Deeply integrating the technology and business of urban digital economy with rural revitalization has promoted the branding, e-commerce, and scale of local industries; Promoting the integrated development of rural primary, secondary, and tertiary industries; Generate innovative effects with new models and formats emerging.

The work effect is a linkage effect between urban and rural common prosperity, achieving the goal of achieving common prosperity.

(4) Follow up on the integration of digital industry collaboration, residents' public services integration, and ecological environment governance integration in social security, ensuring the peace of mind for young soldiers, middle-aged leaders, and senior experts.

The four mountainous counties have adhered to open application scenarios in ensuring the integration of digital industry collaboration, residents' public services, and ecological environment governance, allowing the digital economy and industry to grow together, fully leveraging the development capabilities of innovative entities, and receiving reasonable guidance from local policies and joint support from mechanisms.

By opening up a large number of application scenarios, digital empowerment can promote rural revitalization in a visible and tangible way; Achieving common prosperity is achievable and useful.

The advantage of work is to stimulate digital empowerment and promote high-quality integrated development. Keeping pace with the times has expanded a large number of application scenarios such as digital life, digital healthcare, and digital governance, ensuring a prosperous and beautiful life in mountainous counties.

(5) Adhere to the needs of the country, the capabilities of the region, the expectations of the people, and the future direction, leverage the flow, content, technology, and product advantages of digital empowerment, break traditional economic boundaries, upgrade the digital industry brain of the four mountainous counties, and create a model for rural revitalization and common prosperity.

The four counties in the mountainous region attach great importance to industry university cooperation, attracting innovation teams from well-known universities, research and development centers of well-known leading enterprises, and gradually improving the technology innovation system led by industrial growth and the industry university cooperation mechanism led by digital empowerment. Seizing new technologies, new materials, new processes, and new developments, industry university cooperation complements each other's strengths, optimizes resources, and adds digital wings to the industries of mountainous counties. We have initially achieved a clear goal of common prosperity, with digital breakthroughs taking place step by step, and digital achievements leading the way. Projects benefiting the people are constantly changing.

The work effectiveness is driven by two rounds of integration and multi chain integration, which enhances the endogenous force of rural revitalization, realizes the integration of resources up and down, and promotes innovation and entrepreneurship.

4、 Work Innovation

According to the project implementation plan, conduct action research, in-depth interviews, and thematic discussions in Lin'an, Jiande, Tonglu, and Chun'an, and other places, with a focus on the following attribution analysis and theoretical summary.

Residents in the four mountainous counties are generally satisfied with the progress and achievements of digital empowerment in promoting rural revitalization. They continuously enhance their sense of gain, happiness, and security on the road of common prosperity. They agree that digital empowerment brings more convenient, efficient, and inclusive digital services, supply, and life.

In terms of digital empowerment, the four mountainous counties have continuously improved their digital infrastructure through overall deployment and coordinated promotion, forming new digital technology advantages. In terms of rural revitalization, the four mountainous counties have made efforts to cultivate and introduce digital talents, widely utilizing digital thinking and technology, and promoting industrial optimization and innovative transformation. In terms of common prosperity, digital benefits have deeply rooted in people's hearts, and digital transformation has strongly supported high-quality development.

The respondents believe that digital empowerment can promote rural revitalization and achieve common prosperity. The development of the four mountainous counties benefits from the development and utilization of public data resources in Zhejiang Province, the continuous optimization of digital services for the benefit of the people in Hangzhou, the digital transformation of local economy and society, and the improvement of grassroots digital systems and capabilities.

In terms of the innovation and highlights of the relevant work in the four mountainous counties, the summary is as follows:

(1) Lin'an: With a high brand reputation, multiple unique applications, and strong resource allocation.

Lin'an has made efforts to implement the digital industry battle, integrating the strength of the entire region to systematically start decision-making support, taking the responsibility of digital services and governance first, breaking the path of integrated system intensification and efficiency first, and achieving the trend of efficient decision-making and governance efficiency first, promoting common prosperity and achieving good results.

The local government has created favorable conditions to promote farmers' income growth. Firstly, it focuses on brand reputation, obtains local authorization, and enhances marketing dividends and brand premiums. The second is to increase awareness. Utilize local integrated media and self owned new media to radiate the local and surrounding regional markets. At the same time, we are also making every effort to introduce digital talents and enhance market competitiveness.

Lin'an Digital Rural Construction Architecture "135N" has built a "Tianmu Yunnong" digital rural platform, focusing on rural digital economy, digital governance, and digital services. It has created N characteristic applications related to agriculture, making agricultural production visible and controllable, reducing agricultural risks, reducing production costs, and expanding agricultural production profit space.

Lin'an is adept at allocating digital resources in advance, deploying digital infrastructure, promoting digital application service popularization, and creating an advantageous environment for regional digital development. The construction of digital rural areas is based on the digital industry, and through digital technology and empowerment, it promotes the development and growth of industries, drives accelerated development, increases group income, and accelerates common prosperity.

(2) Jiande: Good ecological civilization, beautiful countryside, and excellent industrial clusters. Jiande's digital empowerment actively leverages the gathering advantages of innovative elements, actively approaching the practical needs of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, etc., actively building a digital innovation ecosystem, promoting the development pace of social digital governance, and building a new highland of regional ecological civilization.

Jiande is renowned for its beautiful countryside. The construction of a beautiful countryside is first to address the shortcomings of digital infrastructure, and secondly to create an efficient, intelligent, and applicable rural digital platform. The promotion of industrial ecology in beautiful rural areas has led to the development of knowledge creation industries in addition to ecological agriculture, tourism, and processing industries, forming a virtuous cycle.

Through digital means such as information understanding, data analysis, intelligent decision-making, and automatic control, Jiande has transformed the rural industry from the traditional operation mode of relying on experience and manpower to intelligent decision-making, precise breeding, and standardized production. At the same time, it has also enabled rural areas and even tourists to enjoy equal and inclusive public services.

Jiande Rural Revitalization combines local advantages to develop digital industrial clusters, promote industrial transformation, cultivate new formats and models, and continue to promote regional common prosperity and high-quality development based on the three-step strategic deployment.

(3) Tonglu: High level of integration, large cluster effect, and fast collaborative innovation..

Tonglu Digital Empowerment focuses on digital management and governance, promotes innovation in online digital empowerment and optimization of offline rural revitalization mechanisms, and accelerates the improvement of industrial integration level. Digital management and governance solve traditional challenges such as high cost, long time consuming, unclear, and unscientific, solve human conflicts of interest, and make people's livelihood services and life configurations more precise and in place.

Tonglu attaches great importance to geographical information and intelligent facilities, and strives to improve the level of digitization and intelligence, achieving a virtuous cycle of intelligent development, industrial development, and digital governance. We have demonstrated public data sharing and openness, continuously optimized the business environment, and improved management and service efficiency. Especially by expanding product sales channels through digital empowerment and combining online and offline innovation with rural development, the efficiency of industrial operation has been improved, farmers' income has been increased, and industrial brand value has been created, exerting a cluster effect.

Tonglu's digital empowerment focuses on meeting the new expectations of the people for a better life, and rural revitalization synergistically promotes smart management and digital construction. In the fields of education, healthcare, transportation, social security, and other livelihood sectors, the inclusive role of digital services has been well played. Common prosperity reflects a richer supply of digitalization, a more convenient life, and more inclusive services.

(4) Chun'an: The overall progress is fast, the two mountains have strong practices, and digital governance is excellent.

The digital empowerment of Chun'an has strengthened the security guarantee of ecological civilization and green mountains and rivers. The introduction and development of green industries are leading the way, and the use of digital talents complements the industry's   

Chun'an is good at promoting the overall development of regional digitization. Integrating industrial composition data, industrial IoT data, and industrial platform data to promote integrated operation and flat command of production and processing, industrial services, and product upgrading.

Chun'an operates Liangshan Bank, expands its income growth path with green waters and green mountains, and organic fish is well-known both domestically and internationally. The hotel economy is at the forefront, and the cooperation in processing raw materials is win-win. The snack economy is moving towards other provinces. We have improved online property rights trading and online investment platforms, allowing residents and investors to exchange supply and demand situations, and to observe targets in real time, overcoming the shortcomings of mountainous counties in terms of time utilization, spatial transportation, site access, and so on.

The revitalization of rural areas in Chun'an emphasizes systematic planning, overall arrangement, and collaborative development. It has demonstrated a strong determination and environmental advantage in developing a digital governance system, introducing project funds, and promoting employment and entrepreneurship, promoting the regional development of green waters and mountains.

5、 Countermeasure suggestions

Based on the research on the digital empowerment to promote rural revitalization and achieve common prosperity in the four counties of Zhongshan District, the following suggestions are proposed based on the actual situation of the urban-rural "digital divide", insufficient digital talent, inadequate empowerment legislation, and low villagers' literacy to varying degrees. Combined with the successful practices and unique experiences of solving problems in the four counties of mountainous areas, the following suggestions are proposed:

(1) Relying on green waters and green mountains, developing ecological economy, achieving value transformation, and opening up the "two mountains" transformation channel.

Therefore, the four counties in mountainous areas should adhere to the important spirit of "protecting the ecological environment is protecting productivity, and improving the ecological environment is developing productivity"; Adhere to the belief that "green waters and green mountains are both natural wealth and economic wealth; We firmly adhere to the path of ecological priority and green development.

(2) Increase the efforts of introduction, improve talent introduction policies, open up green channels, and implement preferential treatment for introduction and reuse.

Project research shows that the introduction of talents in the four mountainous counties is relatively strong. Do you still want to continue introducing talents? Will there be an overdraft loss? The solution to the difficult problem in this article proves that the introduction efforts need to be increased, and talent projects will never be overdrawn and lose money. The innovation inspiration of this article is that there are more and more digital talents, and rural revitalization is twice the result with half the effort; Digital talents are leaving their hometowns, and rural construction is losing both vitality and blood.

There were many barren areas in the four mountainous counties, and many villagers had left their homes. Girls were unwilling to marry in. With the development of technology, digital empowerment, and the integration of logistics, information, and finance, we have established a digital countryside, stimulated the digital economy, and governed the digital community. We have won the edge of rural revitalization and occupied the highland of common prosperity.

To this end, the four mountainous counties need to further improve their digital talent policies, build nests to attract talents, establish sustainable development platforms, and attract, help, and retain three large numbers of digital talents. Firstly, we need to attract digital young elite talents (aged 25-40), solve problems such as starting a family, starting a career, and pursuing further education and promotion, and support rooted cultivation; Secondly, we need to reuse digital middle-aged leading talents (aged 40-60), open up flexible green channels for introduction, and help them "overflow" services in a "migratory" or "flying" manner; Thirdly, we need to retain senior digital experts (aged 60-80), ensure that the work and healthy life of the big shots complement each other, and ensure that top-level design is maintained to have a significant impact.

(3) Connect with the same network and speed, enhance smart genes, promote agricultural upgrading, and accelerate the progress of digital empowerment.

Project research shows that the challenge lies in how digital empowerment can help promote industrial development, social governance, and ecological civilization in rural revitalization, ultimately achieving common prosperity. Work innovation focuses on how to accelerate innovation through technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, block-chain, and continuously support the development and transformation of rural industries, rural governance, and ecological civilization. Practice has proven that digital empowerment has built an important platform for digital technology innovation and industrial development in the four mountainous counties, promoting the deep integration of digital technology and social governance in rural revitalization, and injecting vitality and momentum into the development of ecological civilization.

Based on the above, combined with the main spirit of national digital rural construction, accelerating the digital empowerment of four counties in mountainous areas requires achieving three new goals. Firstly, we need to achieve "same network and speed" in urban and rural areas, and build a "new information highway" for digital rural areas. On the basis of "village to village broadband", we will implement the integration, intelligence, and specialization of "cloud, network, edge, end, and security" in mountainous counties, providing network services that villagers can connect to, use well, and afford. Secondly, we need to establish a digital platform and leverage the new effects of data aggregation. To enable villagers to share village level smart services, they can use their phones to handle various businesses, pay attention to village conditions and public opinion, log in to rural cloud platforms, and participate in digital governance. Thirdly, we must make good use of digital technology to assist in the new upgrade of digital empowerment. The construction of rural information infrastructure should help innovate governance models, and the upgrading of production methods should reflect the improvement of lifestyles; We should be good at using 5G intelligent monitoring in the "digital countryside" to crack problems such as data monopoly, data leakage, insufficient planning, and lack of connectivity; We also need to follow up on data monitoring, platform analysis, and achieve a connectivity mechanism between "cloud based" production and "online" sales.

(4) Expand charity and public welfare, strive for the return of local elites, play the role of the overseas Chinese community, and draw a blueprint for common prosperity.

Reducing regional disparities, urban-rural disparities, and income disparities is the top priority for achieving common prosperity. Four counties in the mountainous area of Hangzhou have carried out paired assistance, classified policies, and raised the floor to narrow regional disparities, with significant results; Focusing on narrowing the urban-rural gap, we have focused on solving the practical problems faced by the people and continuously promoted the equalization of public services in transportation, education, healthcare, and other areas, which are highly welcomed by villagers; We have explored the integration and promotion of common prosperity around narrowing the income gap, such as establishing the Revitalization Joint Party Committee, leading the surrounding villages to become prosperous first, and developing weak villages together, achieving visible and tangible common prosperity.

On the existing basis, the four counties in mountainous areas should focus on digital empowerment, integrate resources, and achieve sustainable development. Effectively combining charitable and public welfare undertakings with the construction of common prosperity through donations, industrial assistance, and educational assistance; Secondly, based on blood, geography, and language, and linked by family, hometown, and friendship, we should strive for the intellectual return, financial return, and resource return of local elites, and open up channels for advanced elements to flow to rural areas; Thirdly, we need to leverage the unique advantages of the overseas Chinese community of "connecting overseas with one hand, connecting domestic with one hand", "connecting government with one hand, and connecting market with one hand", to drive overseas Chinese investment and intelligence to "bring back", mobilize overseas Chinese hearts and efforts to "gather", and promote "manufacturing in four mountainous counties" and "going global"

6、 Vision Outlook

Digital empowerment to promote rural revitalization and leapfrog high-quality development in the four mountainous counties is an inevitable requirement for faithfully implementing the "August 8th Strategy" and striving to create an "important window". It is also a necessary measure to solidly promote the common prosperity of socialism with Chinese characteristics and provincial modernization, and is also a key measure for Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou City to solve the problem of imbalanced and insufficient development. According to project research, compared to other regions, the digital empowerment of the four counties in the mountainous areas of Hangzhou has been seen earlier, planned accurately, and implemented effectively, effectively promoting institutional adjustment, mechanism improvement, system reconstruction, and institutional reshaping, creating new capabilities for rural revitalization, and providing a strong "acceleration" for achieving common prosperity.

Faced with the urgency of digital empowerment, the four mountainous counties will continue to promote rural revitalization with a proactive attitude of not waiting for time and not advancing or retreating. Follow up research will also focus on top-level design, learn advanced concepts, meet grassroots needs, and achieve two-way travel. Looking ahead from the perspective of innovation, the focus of work still needs to revolve around the "four improvements". One is to improve the digital service orientation, enhance the digital literacy of the majority of villagers, and learn to use digital logic to solve pain points and difficulties. The second is to improve the digital industry system, making digital rural construction the core of work innovation, and accelerating the improvement of management efficiency. The third is to improve the risk control of digital governance, strengthen and achieve precise prevention and control. The fourth is to improve ecological civilization, integrate into the digital ecosystem as soon as possible, and achieve cross disciplinary coordination for common prosperity.

In the coming few years, the digital empowerment of the four counties in the mountainous areas of Hangzhou will make four major progress. Firstly, it will establish a development benchmark, overcome various difficulties and challenges, uphold the concept of high-quality integrated development, and create new business cards such as innovative mountainous counties, high-quality mountainous counties, and civilized mountainous counties; The second is to enhance self-efficacy, that is, to utilize data resources well, expand innovation supply, improve digital regulations, and form a demonstration effect; The third is to create a long-term mechanism, that is, to promote the coordinated integration of commercial industries, the integration of public services for the people, and the integration of ecological environment governance; The fourth is to accelerate the transformation of achievements, that is, the core industries of the four mountainous counties continue to appreciate, the digital economy leads the development, and the construction of common prosperity becomes a benchmark.

Project Fund:Hangzhou Association for Science and Technology 2022 Decision Consultation Project


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